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Even teachers have to go back to school, and they love going to the classes offered by the University of Virginia’s Center for Liberal Arts.
The Center for the Liberal Arts sponsored the American Shakespeare Center‘s visit to work with teachers in the Southwest Virginia Public Education Consortium in June, is assisting Project Director…
More than 60 teachers from around the country headed to UVA and Monticello this summer to learn more about unique digital resources that put Thomas Jefferson’s extensive records and papers directly…
The Center for the Liberal Arts remembers with gratitude and admiration the extraordinary life and work of Julian Bond. Bond did us the great honor of recording “Making Civil Rights Matter” for one…
UVA Lawn in the spring
Maecenas vel ornare diam. Nam in urna lacinia, rutrum ante sed, iaculis odio. Curabitur auctor sodales eros, ac vehicula libero bibendum eu. Praesent mi libero, scelerisque a fermentum ac, dictum…