Teaching for a Global Citizenry
This in-person Spanish program will feature the below five presenters who are the selected Longview Fellows, who will present and share new frameworks and lesson plans for teaching about human rights, activism, and learning in a Globalized world. The Fellows have been working with Prof. Chávez to develop new classroom materials in bringing the concept of the Global to Spanish classrooms.
Luis Miguel Ortiz Pérez
Unity Reed High School, Prince William County PS
Thirzia López
Kellam High School, Virginia Beach City PS
Verónica Pérez
Spotswood High School, Rockingham County PS
Ángels Natal-Asensio
Oakton High School, Fairfax County PS
Oscar Pizarro-González
Unity Reed High School, Prince William County PS
Prof. Daniel Chávez Landeros
University of New Hampshire
Department of Languages Literatures & Cultures
Our special guest is Cindy Macedo from the Global Nomads Group, who will introduce us to their work and how it might provide an opportunity for future collaboration.
10:00 - 10:30
Registration, breakfast
10:30 - 10:40
Prof. Daniel Chávez "Welcome" message
10:40 - 11:00
Luis Miguel Ortiz Pérez
"Tradiciones culturales de los países hispanohablantes y su influencia en nuestra comunidad"
11:00 - 11:05
11:05 - 11:25
Thirzia López
"Conectándonos con el Mundo en la Era Digital: Project Based Learning"
11:25 - 11:30
11:30 - 11:50
Verónica Pérez
"Proyectos Impactantes"
Angels Natal-Asensio
"Desafíos de justicia social en el sur global"
1:15 - 1:35
Oscar Pizarro-González
"Una mirada a El Amazonas desde la literatura y otras perpsectivas"
Cindy Macedo
Global Nomads Group
2:00 - 2:15
Evaluations, good-bye
This program is sponsored by the Longview Foundation.